Sunday, 15 December 2013

Lesson Plan Template

Here's my Lesson Plan Template, looking at teaching world cinema documentary theory using theory of Dr. James A. Banks, which I found fascinating and inspirational.

Names of teacher: Christopher Smith
Date: 15.12.2013
Theorist and concept chosen as lesson foundation: James A Banks, 5 Dimensions of Multicultural Education
Class and grade: Documentary Theory, Film & TV Media Assistants, Vocational School, 2nd year
Number of students: 12
Learning objectives:
The learning objectives over the whole course (which should comprise one study week) are to understand what documentary is in the context of the history of cinema. Students should come away with an understanding of the key theories which have gone into documentary theory, what place documentary has in the context of world cinema and how the genre is today morphing and developing, as well as a good solid grounding in the key practitioners of documentary film-making today and historically in global cinema.

Expected outcomes:
The students should be able to identify with confidence the relevance of documentary in terms of generic markers and its place in the history of cinema and specifically world cinema, as well as be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of some key documentary film-makers and the state of the genre today.

Prior knowledge of students:
 Students should have knowledge of at least basic genre theory, understanding of the concept of generic markers, a broad understanding of the need for awareness in different genres and having a basic cine-literate approach to viewing film. Competency in English is also required.

Forms of assessment:
Assessment will be three-fold: one third comprising class attendance, one third comprising individual participation and discussions with the student on what they have learned and one third comprising the assessment of a 2-page written paper, the subject of which is an exploration of the meaning, relevance and success of one documentary from world cinema.

For the purposes of this exercise, I have decided to outline in my lesson plan for how the first day’s class would go, which totals five teaching hours, rather than the whole study week.

Lesson structure:
Key outcome (e.g. students should...
Class structure (e.g. students in groups, seated individually)
An interactive lecture on the basics of documentary theory, placing it historically and in the concept of world cinema, with plenty of examples from highly regarded documentary film-makers.

Students should understand clearly what are the generic markers of documentary as well as what are have been the key movements globally.
The students are sitting in a lecture theatre with a projector and speakers in order to see the film clips.
Main section
Students are asked to watch and analyse prescribed contemporary documentaries from world cinema with an eye on their cultural significance, relevance in historical context and meaning today in those cultures.

Students should be able to say with confidence what the documentaries mean in historical, cultural and generic context.
For this part of the class, the students are divided into 6 pairs and sent off to watch the documentaries. (see footer)
Students should return to the class having prepared a 10-minute presentation on the documentary they have watched, telling the rest of the class about it, what it means, where it comes from and what they thought about it, possibly, if time allows, showing a sample clip to illustrate their argument.

Students should be able to demonstrate understanding and analytical skills in the context of global documentary.
Each team should present their own 10 minute presentation from their own documentary research.
Students should come up with some ideas for a documentary production in Finland which looks at a minority.

As well as thinking about documentary form, students should be aware of minorities in Finland and the issues surrounding them.
This task will be done individually and students will prepare a short presentation on their idea, so they can get feedback from their classmates.

Documentaries: Etre et Avoir (France, 2002), Buena Vista Social Club (Cuba, 1999), Encounters at the End of the World (Germany, 2007), Waltz With Bashir (Isreal, 2008), Bilal (India, 2008), Senna (Britain, Brazil, 2010)

Resolutions for the New Year

Now is mid-December and the studies are winding up for the year. VOC 1 is almost complete, VOC 2 and Edu Sci have already begun.

Now, as I write the peer evaluation for another student's blog work, I find that my own blog has been neglected of late. Oops. My New Year's resolution must be to update more frequently and more thoroughly how my studies are going.

But it's been a enjoyable and educational few months and I feel that I'm starting to get the hang of things.

See you in 2014!

Monday, 11 November 2013

Personal Study Plan updated

I have now updated my Personal Study Plan (or is it Path?) which you can find here

There I have answered the relevant questions for how I approach studying and what I want to get out of this course. As always, I find it illuminating to think about teaching in these ways as I normally just go about my job without a huge amount of self-reflection, just plugging away and doing my best. It's nice to take a step back and really consider what I'm doing and why.

Padlet and QR codes

Today I have been working with the Graphic Design students, introducing them to Padlet and also having a QR-code adventure, so I've already picked up some nice tools from the pedagogical studies that I can effectively use in my everyday teaching.

For the Padlet part, I showed the students how to use it and showed them some examples of how it can be used for making presentations, which can be found from the Padlet pages. I also showed them the interactive quality to it and we discussed the possibilities of when it can be used (mostly for sharing ideas, especially visual ideas, among people working on a project who are not located in the same place) and when it maybe isn't so good (when you can just talk to the person sitting next to you, rather than using Padlet).

They took to it immediately, because it looks fun and it's so easy to use. Some of them said they would possibly use it in future.

I think, for me, I add it to Prezi as a nice browser based presenting tool that I am happy to show students.

For the QR codes, I divided the students into three groups and made a short "QR adventure" for them. They had to find the next one and perform tasks. It was nice as they knew what the QR codes were, but this forced them to download the app for reading and actually read and use them.

Now they are working in their groups to make their own QR code adventures for the other groups... Let's see how this goes!

Till next time!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

October Update

It's been a while since I posted anything in the blog, but work has been going on in the meanwhile with the VOC 1 studies.

Next week will bring the last Connect Pro teaching session of the four. The first one had my group, Piaget, as hosts, which meant little preparation and some activity during the session. The second session had us presenting, but unfortunately I was unable to attend as I was in Nepal with Anna (doing some education related work - watch this space) but I was able to fully participate in the Piaget group preparation beforehand.

Out group has shrunk now to three people, but it doesn't seem to be a problem as we are able to work well, in time and produce what I think is good work, just the three of us.

Last time, we were presenting and I was able to participate fully in the session. It was an interesting and quite enjoyable way of working. Our group presented on portfolio working and that was especially useful (for me and, I think, for those I was "teaching") as it's something I've been working with and I was happy to properly learn some theory behind it.

One thing we looked at was Wix, which is a site for creating your own digital portfolio. I have made a mental note to actually use this service one day. I fully expect that mental note to get buried in the mental mess of my mental desktop... But the note is there somewhere...

And so next week provides the last chance to present our groups amazing work, which this time will be on group dynamics.


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

VOC 1 Update

I have posted in the VOC 1 page, a report on something that my group, Paiget, did during the contact teaching days in September. I'm not entirely sure how this is supposed to work, so I link to it here.

It includes the story of the Happy and Unhappy Kingdoms and the rest of the short workshop on positivity in teaching.

Check it out!

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Contact teaching days in September 2013

This week we had two contact teaching days (2nd and 3rd September) in Oulu and it was the first time meeting the teachers and classmates in person, which was nice.

The days seemed hectic, engaging and educational. Very much skimming the surface of what the rest of the course will be about. All in all, very positive so far.

New things were using the browser-based polling system,  Socrative, which seemed very useful and also making Pecha Kuchas (or as I call them, Machu Picchus, ahaha and indeed ha).

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

My "first" day at school

Today we had the first Adobe Connect Pro meeting, with Juha and Blair and all the students, so I got to meet them for the first time and also get to know Connect Pro a bit better.

We also looked at a very nice browser-based 'mind mapping' site called Padlet, which was new to me.

Then we looked at what is reflecting in relation to reporting in our PLEs; It seems to be about thinking and going deeper into issues of what has worked, what could have worked better and what has been learned...

Then, within my group, Piaget, we held our own separate meeting to discuss our findings about certain methods of teaching and how applicable they are to virtual learning. I looked at Mnemonics and Mind Mapping.

My findings were that they are both certainly applicable but the success of those methods depends very much on the preparation and familiarisation processes that help students to get used to working with them. Also, making sure students can use those mnemonics and mind maps as resources in future is important. Without later reference and checking, the usefulness of the material and methods potentially drops quite significantly.

We also discussed in the whole group about what is required for the Digital Portfolio and it has become clear to me that I need to develop this blog, so it includes sub-menus for different things...

Slowly, I'm getting to know about the course, how it works and what is required for it. Slowly but surely. 

The next tutor meeting is on the 16th of August at 13.00, though it's not mandatory.

It was a fun and interesting session. Until next time!

Monday, 17 June 2013


Hello and welcome to my PLE (Personal learning environment) blog for the OAMK vocational teacher education course.

Briefly, about me: I'm from Scotland originally, been living in Finland for 11 years, have two children, am married, like football, reading, films and travel... I've been a teacher almost the whole time I've been in Finland, for the past five years working at vocational education level, teaching in the Audio-Visual Communications Department at SATAEDU in Nakkila, Satakunta. I also work with international students and various international projects.

I was asked to make an introduction video which you can find here. The password is 'Oulu'.
